New Covenant Community Church

New Covenant Community Church Media

Read New Covenant Community Church’s Monthly NewsLetter or watch the most recent sermon.
This page is dedicated to all things going on at New Covenant Community Church.


Newsletters & Bulletins 


Welcome To Your Local Community Church!

New Covenant Community Church in Akron, Ohio is an inclusive community of faith, joyously called to serve God by loving our neighbors and caring for all God’s creation. We seek to be actively involved in our community. locally and globally. and to demonstrate a climate of acceptance. love. and tolerance, so that we may celebrate God’s unity in the midst of human diversity.  We invite you to worship with us. to serve with us. and to rejoice with us. as we share God’s love with the world.


Latest Sermons


Join us at our next Comunity Event!


Past Events


Pastor’s Column

Pastor’s Page – 4/3/22

 Through the resurrection, God is revealed, not as the giver of labels, but as the Giver of life, not as the giver of lectures, but as the Giver of light…

        not as the giver of lethargy, but as the Giver of love.

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The Value of Community

In the Divine Community we will mutually embrace people who are different in race, different in gender, different in socio-economic levels, different in political understanding, different in religious beliefs.

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