New Covenant Community Church

Monthly News Letter

The Messenger – August 2021 Edition

by | Aug 17, 2021 | Newsletters

As we continue to emerge from  your COVID confines, this month’s The Messenger can help you reestablish ways to help our neighbors and friends.  On the “Pastor’s Page” learn about the direction ICCC plans to go on issues like “The Church in a Pandemic World.” And, if you have ideas on ways to fellowship with your family and friends, check out page 4 for the latest from the Fellowship Committee and New Initiatives.

August Newsletter

June 16th Announcements

Announcements for the week of June 16, 2024.

The Answer – 5/5/24

Pastor Brad focuses on “The Answer.” The question is what draws people to the Church?

Easter Service

Rev. Brad Rito explores how what the disciples witnessed influenced their response to finding an empty tomb.

The Messenger – April 2024

This month’s newsletter

Announcements for 4th Week of Lent

During this 4th week of Lent, here’s what’s happening at NCCC.