New Covenant Community Church

NCCC Events

Blessings in a Backpack

by | Feb 18, 2019 | Past Events

Blessings in a Backpack

We are so grateful for the magnificent response that we have received for our backpack project! We only have a few more items which need to be donated.

On Sunday, February 17, we hope to have all of the items collected, and on Thursday, February 21, at 10:00am, we can fill the backpacks with the designated items. We will then dedicate these “Welcome Backpacks” in worship on March 3 (Transfiguration Sunday).

Thank you so much for participating in this meaningful and worthwhile project.

June 16th Announcements

Announcements for the week of June 16, 2024.

The Answer – 5/5/24

Pastor Brad focuses on “The Answer.” The question is what draws people to the Church?

Easter Service

Rev. Brad Rito explores how what the disciples witnessed influenced their response to finding an empty tomb.

The Messenger – April 2024

This month’s newsletter

Announcements for 4th Week of Lent

During this 4th week of Lent, here’s what’s happening at NCCC.