New Covenant Community Church

Sunday Bulletins

February 9, 2020

by | Feb 13, 2020 | Sunday Bulletins

02.09.20 Bulletin

Our service includes a Prayer of Confession, that we try to live up to, by seeing the needs of our neighbors regardless of race, sexual orientation, or economic status.

Prayer of Confession

We have retreated into the shadows of self-interest; we have preferred to remain in the dark alleys of indifference; and we have closed our eyes to the instances of injustice and inequality. Our sin has clouded our concern for the common good, and the world’s systems and structures have blinded us to the needs of our neighbors. Forgive us, Lord, and warm our hearts with Your grace and mercy. Illumine us with Your light, so that we may share Your love with all people and dispel the world’s darkness through the truth and transformation revealed in Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray.

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